Most Common Myths About THC

Most Common Myths About THC

With great power comes great responsibility. This iconic quote holds for the cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) markets as well. The two stalwart cannabinoids of the cannabis plant have gained an impressive reputation among consumers, but like so many things that are in the public eye, they are often misunderstood. 

Unfortunately, this misunderstanding often comes from a simple lack of knowledge about the two cannabinoids that differ in some ways

Both of these cannabinoids can be extracted from the hemp or the marijuana plant that fall under the cannabis genus, but hemp-derived products have low THC levels compared to marijuana-extracted products. The euphoric high often related to cannabis is usually associated with high levels of THC, which comes from marijuana plants. Products from hemp plants do not give you that psychoactive effect unless additional THC is added. 

It’s natural to question anything new that comes your way. So let’s remove all the confusion and chart out a clearer and more confident path to buying CBD and THC products. Continue on while we remove some of the most common doubts associated with THC. 

Separating Fact from Fiction: Popular THC Myths

1.THC Levels Are the Same in Hemp and Marijuana

Anyone who is starting his journey into the CBD and THC space should remember that cannabinoids are present in both hemp and marijuana plants under the cannabis family. The cannabinoids are extracted through the CO2 extraction method or other methods, and then added into different products. THC is one of the most popular cannabinoids extracted from the hemp and marijuana plants but THC is present in abundance in the marijuana plant while the hemp plant contains a lesser amount of THC. 

Hence when using products extracted from the marijuana plant, the amount of THC present will naturally be significantly higher than levels found in the hemp plant. THC is what gives you psychoactive effects once you take it. The statement that hemp and marijuana have the same THC levels and produce the same effects is false. 

A row of wooden pegs all stand looking the same in front of a blue background

2.THC Works Similarly for Everyone

This statement is one of the biggest myths associated with THC. Metabolism varies from one person to the other. What might work best for me, might not work similarly for you. We need to consider body weight, health conditions, metabolism, genetics, and biochemistry while deciding the THC products to ingest into our system. 

For example, Delta 9 gummies might work for me since they contain a higher concentration of THC, while someone else might prefer Delta 8 THC or simply full spectrum CBD with the benefit of the entourage effect. If you’re still contemplating between THC and CBD products, it might be mildest to start your journey with hemp-based CBD products that contain only 0.3% THC, and go from there.

FAB CBD offers Full-Spectrum CBD Oil that contains minimal THC, along with CBD and other cannabinoids and terpenes. There are plenty of options to choose from and you can begin to familiarize yourself with the cannabinoid experience.

3. THC is Completely Illegal in the U.S.

Is THC illegal at a federal level in the United States of America? Yes, if the concentration level goes above 0.3% of the product’s dry weight. Is THC illegal in every state in the US? No. 

Now let’s remember that hemp and marijuana are two different plants with different regulations. Marijuana is classified as a Schedule 1 drug under the Controlled Substances Act. It doesn’t have the same legal clearance as the hemp plant. Only 0.3% THC is allowed in CBD derived from hemp. That picture turns on its head when THC is extracted from the marijuana plant since the concentration level of THC is significantly higher in the marijuana plant.

If a particular state has a law that doesn’t restrict the recreational or medicinal use of marijuana plants, you can use THC products in that state. Before you decide to use THC products, it is always smart to check the marijuana laws of the state and then make a purchase accordingly. You can check the laws of different states on marijuana-sourced CBD here.

A prescription bottle lays over the corner of a blank drug test form and a pen rests atop the page.

4. THC Will Not Show Up on a Drug Test

This is a complete myth. Any kind of product including THC can cause you to fail a drug test. The case may worsen if the THC was derived from the marijuana plant. Any type of marijuana-based THC product will have higher levels of THC, and thus, will almost certainly lead to a positive test result. 

The case is not entirely different for hemp-based products, which contain low levels of THC. If you take a drug test after consuming THC from the hemp plant, you may still fail your drug test. Drug tests can detect THC for up to three days after use, and these tests can detect the cannabinoid for over 30 days if someone has been regularly using the products. 

This is because THC can be stored in a person’s body fat for extended periods. When someone consistently uses THC, it accumulates in the fatty tissues before the body slowly releases it into the bloodstream. It can be a urine, saliva, or hair test and THC will still show up in your result.

  1. All Types of THC Will Produce the Same Effect

There are different variants of THC. Delta 8, Delta 9, Delta 10, THCA, THCV, and THCP, all of which produce a different effect. Delta 8 and Delta 10 reportedly inspire a mild buzz while the most renowned and popular THC strain, Delta 9, is valued for its strong psychoactive effects when ingested. THCA doesn’t lead to any mind-altering effects, while THCP may produce intense euphoric effects, even higher than Delta 9. So in short, the statement that all THC types produce the same effect is definitely untrue.  

THC: Choose Facts Over Myth

As a smart consumer, you always begin by researching products and learning as much as you can to make an informed decision. After some research, you can more easily separate fact from fiction and buy THC products that really suit you. The idea is to learn as much as about THC and its types and then finally jump in to explore the THC market with no preconceived notions or doubts in your mind.